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L2EmuProject Ревизия 1451 - Interlude Пофиксено и изменено: - Npc Buffer - Donator Buffer - Config to buffs time - Summon/pet buffer - adena traders - configurable kick type. how character will be kick from server relogin client or close - npc announcer - auto announcer - automatic TvT System with restart time also can be set to manual: Дополнения: config to enable/disable same team members attack config to enable/disable same team members cast magic config to enable/disable coliseum doors open/close while tvt in progress config to enable/disable auto tvt start up on server boot. config to enable/disable tvt enemies healing config to enable/disable npc buffers usage while tvt is in progress config to enable/disable signs ups every player who sign up server will announce it. confiog to announce npc tvt manager location. and npc name - more alt sttings for Olympiad. - Dimensional Rift (credits of this must go to L2JOneo) - Donator System //setdonator - Reload System in admin panel reload instances/ configs - Character Repair System //repair_character - Reworked Polymorph System Equippment not allowed to prevent Stuck of Animatiuon. - UnknowPacket Protection System (credits of this must go to L2JOneo) - customizable Server name will appear in lot os places in server. - implementataion of a lot of new Quests. - implementation opf spendor/mutation/afraid mobs AI - Adventure GuildSman Life Crystal System.(retail Feature) - Intial Implementation of Walkers Npc in Towns.(retail Feature) - Interlude Skills: - Implemented The Soul of Phoenix SKill - Shield of Revenge - config to allow/disallow usage of auto SS in olympiad - config to allow/dissalow bss usage - и многое многое другое... |
Бесплатная стабильная версия сервера L2JRT Lineage 2: Chronicle 5 Сервер 1269: + Понижение КвестДропа при удалении от цели. + Добавление дверей к ГеоДате. + Обновленное ядро ГеоДаты (работа с чарами) + Добавляем функцию делать из агрессивных мобов пассивов в мирных зонах, дабы обезопасить игроков от нападений. * Затираем отчеты PathNode? в логе. * Фикс ГеоДаты. * Фикс дружбы дверей и ГеоДаты. * Тестовый Фикс физических ударов сквозь двери. * Фикс движка чара, в том числе невозможность пить бутылки, если заюзан фэйк дес + поддержка эвента "The Fall Harvest (Тыквы)" + избавляемся от ошибок дверей * фикс системы заточек + теперь команда //quest_reload работает + Значки при осаде замка + Многое другое. Датапак 1269: * Фиксы квестов + Перевод квеста 216_TrialOfGuildsman * Фикс имён продавцов + Перевод Торговцев + Перевод квеста 217_TestimonyOfTrust * Фикс Relax`a * Фикс скилов + Удаление из дроплиста спиритшоутов S + Новая система ходящих НПС + Новые статы саммонов (потребляют правильное кол-во кри) + 618_IntoTheFlame + добавление зон без воды + Руссификация 15,16,102 квестов + внесение в гросери скролов рековери) + перевод админ панели + Перевод 382_KailsMagicCoin + Перевод 17 квеста, 13001_meetAntharas,31385_meetValakas * Фикс гвардов + Перевод 218_TestimonyOfLife + эвент The Fall Harvest (Тыквы) + перевод 18_MeetingwiththeGoldenRam и 219_TestimonyOfFate фикс welcome.htm + Перевод 27_ChestCaughtWithABaitOfWind + Перевод Гвардов + перевод 358_IllegitimateChildOfAGoddess + добавление спауна квест монстра * измениён ItemID для вызова Wyvern и Sin Eater для работы квеста на ПК * Фикс спауна Unicorn Racer + Добавление/Перевод 422_RepentYourSins * Фикс наглады в квесте "The Wishing Potion" + Перевод 224_TestOfSagittarius + Перевод 661_MakingHarvestGroundsSafe + Спаун и дроп: Pirate Captain Uthanka & Minions * Правка зон воды + добавление С5 книг в продажу + Отсутствующий квест на 3ю профессию93_Sagaofthe_SpectralMaster + Синх зоны Гирана * Фикс начального квеста + Добавляем в магазины Mysterious Solvent + Добавление в магазины summoning crystal + Многое другое. Пароль на Скачивание: Lin2La2.my1.ru |
Server Interlude from Team L2JFree rev 2208 Новая Сборка от команды L2JFree,2208 Ревизия |
C4 server files (Banished 1.2.6) Banished 1.2.6-Хорошо сделанный сервер lineage2 |
Новое: = Core server: + 30/01: Fixed player can't hit fake death player (yellowperil) + 30/01: Fixed C4 private store packet (L2J Fortress) + 29/01: Added pick up priority on the item (AaliyaH) + 26/01: Added support dwarf crafting items in C4 (L2J Fortress) + 24/01: Added support player can view mobs stats/droplist by shift click (L2JF) * 23/01: Fixed player dupe items by clan warehouse (dantist) * 20/01: Fixed Lazy Cache when enable some npc have missing text + 19/01: Added formulas 'forth' and 'murkt', need JBF engine (L2J Fortress) * 19/01: Fixed negation skills skillhandler (tisdav) * 19/01: Low HP skills fix (Titoune) * 17/01: Fixed C4 warehouse deposit & withdraw (L2J Fortress) * 17/01: Fixed some PVP problems in previous version * 16/01: Fixed C4 party window (L2J Fortress) * 15/01: Exp/sp penalty now more like official (L2J Fortress) * 15/01: Improved stun formula for 'none' method (fulminus) * 15/01: Fixed bug 0 exp/sp when rates higher than 5x * 15/01: Fixed C4 name color, skill learn, auto soulshot (L2J Fortress) * 12/01: Fixed negate stats of Twilight hatchling * 09/01: Fixed Drain skills (H1ghL4nd3r) + 09/01: Better handle for Unicode file (L2J Fortress) + 09/01: Support russian html language (L2J Fortress) (set MainLanguage = ru) * 09/01: Effect Confusion shouldn't work in non attackble object (L2J Fortress) + 09/01: Option for disable grade penalty + 09/01: Option for disable server restart player recommendation point * 09/01: Use formula in L2J Fortress for Curse Death Link (orginal so weak) + 07/01: Support announcements file in Unicode (L2J Fortress) + 06/01: Support alliance war (L2J Fortress) + 04/01: New admin panel for change config server on the fly (L2J Fortress) * 04/01: Correct newbie buffer like official except Life Cubic (L2J Fortress) * 03/01: Fixed exploit by private shop and enchant without scroll (L2J Fortress) + 03/01: Some new custom options in custom.properties (L2JC) + 28/12: Move all custom setting to custom.properties + 27/12: Option for customize GM/VIP name color + 27/12: Option for allow player teleport to Necro/Catacomb without any check + 26/12: Option for enable/disable clan penalty + 26/12: Support create item skills (L2JC) + 26/12: Support HP gain skills (L2J Fortress) + 25/12: Option in admin menu for set player level * 25/12: Fixed some null pointers * 25/12: Calc. angle when use shield. * 24/12: Fixed server not save buylist when edit in-game * 24/12: Fixed Jail system in JBForth engine + 23/12: Option for limit maximum Patk/Matk speed + 22/12: Enable/Disable Bypass Encryption to avoid all exploit by help.htm + 20/12: Summon any monster as GM's pet + 20/12: Option in admin menu for give adena to player + Added more functions in admin menu + Enable/Disable JBForth engine + Enable/Disable Auto Learn Skills + Enable/Disable L2J Copyright text when player enter world + Maximum when buy/sell items is 25.000 for disable some exploit + Support sending Vietnamese messages in server -> client + Support maximum level is 80 + Support create item in admin menu can give item to player + Support snoop command for GM spy when player chat + Support call wyvern by item (ID 4425) + Support GM remove clan wait for player in admin menu + Support GM account login in telnet when server full + Support for Energy Stones + Support for TARGET_AREA_CORPSE_MOB type skills + Support for Signboard in town/arena + Support for UNHOLY/SACRED element + Added multiplier for Pet's EXP/SP + Added enchant menu for easy enchant every items in equip + Added skills use charge will count soulshot damage now + Added dagger skills will count critical damage now + Added surrender when clan wars + Added system messages will show damage of your summon/pet + Added new resist skills system for bonus between elements of skills + Added minions will follow boss when boss move * Fixed you can't ally with clan currently clan wars with your clan. * Fixed char rename for avoid duplicate name * Fixed now you can sit on throne if you are castle lord * Fixed skills for Wind/Star hatching * Fixed no action if use MDAM skills and player don't equip weapon * Fixed when use Fake Death you can't attack/run or regen HP/MP... * Fixed when you get stun/sleep/root... will stop your current attack/cast * Fixed magic reuse delay now depend your cast speed * Fixed TARGET_UNDEAD now check target type is Undead and don't Dead * Fixed TARGET_AREA now work like retail * Fixed TARGET_ALLY if player don't have ally will apply to clan * Fixed FEAR skills now work = Datapack: + 31/01: Data_fix: Catacomb Apostate/Branded/Forbiden Path/Witch (Pivi_CT) + 31/01: Data_fix: Script for add soulshots to town merchants (mastermind007) + 28/01: Data_fix: New C4 spawnlist (vitacite) + 28/01: Data_fix: Correct droplist for catacomb and necropolis (titan86vn) + 27/01: Data_fix: Correct for summoned pets stats (HF/Drake) + 26/01: Data_fix: Some C4 NPC Stats/Skills/Droplist (edinho_sp) + 26/01: Data_fix: Full C3 Droplist (edinho_sp) + 25/01: Added full C4 etcitems sql (deft) + 25/01: Added full C4 armor/jewel sets bonus (lothlorien) + 25/01: Fixed Lightning Strike have 100% chance success (L2JC) + 24/01: Added full C4 weapon/armor xml with correct stats (L2J Fortress) + 24/01: Data_fix: Full fixes for Necropolis of Sacrifice (mastermind007) + 24/01: Added full C4 NPC list with correct names, need edit stats (KID) + 24/01: Added new C4 summon skills, ID 1331->1333 (htsachakis) * 21/01: Fixed Punch of Doom will have effect stun like official + 21/01: Added some C4 skills (jpizarro) + 19/01: Added some stats for 'murkt' formula (L2J Fortress) + 19/01: C4 GMShop in admin menu but some items not work, need xml (L2J Fortress) + 18/01: Full C4 weapon/armor sql, need correct xml files (L2J Fortress) + 18/01: Html file for Innadril chamberlain (Anuria) + 16/01: Data_fix: Full C3 NPC stats from l2db.ru (L2J Fortress) * 15/01: Fixed quest 231_TestOfMaestro (Whiter) + 13/01: Added C4 teleporter in Aden and admin menu (postman) + 12/01: Added some C4 mobs (jpizarro) * 09/01: Fixed some items in GMShop have low price than real price (lasertom) * 09/01: Correct elements of some skills (L2J Fortress) * 09/01: Fixed Servitor Ultimate Defense + 03/01: Quest Coins of Magic (L2J Fortress) + 28/12: Data_fix for ToI NPC stats (Topper) * 27/12: Merchant of Mammon don't need blank scroll for buy enchant scroll * 26/12: Fixed a lots skills and stacking (L2J Fortress rev. 646) * 26/12: Fixed some items for pet (aranox) * 26/12: Fixed Lionheart/Prayer/Mental Aegis (L2J Fortress) * 26/12: Fixed Quiver of Arrow A/S (L2JC) * 25/12: Correct henna price (CDWriter) * 25/12: Fixed Aegis/Focus Attack/Aegis Stance + 24/12: Blacksmith Wilbert in Aden will enhance all weapons (Need JBF engine) * 24/12: Fixed name of some skills + 22/12: Event Bashtal's Labor (Need JBF engine enable) + Support for C4 weapons and S grade armor sets (need special patch) + data_fix is collection of fixes from a lots contrib + GMShop in Giran and custom B grade luxury shop in Aden + Exchange high grade weapon in Mammon (Need JBF engine enable) + Exchange newbie stuff in Event Manager + Tattoo shop in GMShop and all tattoo work. + missing minions * Support for unlock skill * Correct reflectDam and absorbDam stacking for nomore 110% reflect dmg * A lots NPC Stats now more like retail * Spawnlist base on C3 and added missing spawn in Catacomb/Necropolis * A lots skills now more like retail + : Добавлено * : Пофиксено |
Последняя Сборка Interlude от RT Team+патч |
Новая Сборка от Oneo Team,Ревизия 1148 |
L2j_line Server rev.71 GS - Ядро L2j-Line (всё конфиги русские) LS - Ядро Emu DP - Интерлюди (манор работает) с дополнениями от Kamael после 1 недели теста багов незамечено . + добавлено = изменено - убрано + поддержка расы камаэль + русские конфиги + Заселён город Kamael'я + Броня T1 + Профессии Т1 + Скилы T1 = Работы над ядром + перевод пары системных диалогов -отвязка от emu + Фикс конфигов + добавлено 267 html файлов = Изменено более тысячи html +Патч к серверу идёт в архиве |
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