MeGaWoWeMuLaToR v.1.0 Ядро: Mangos ver.4615 База: UDB_0.8.0_Core_4612(0.8.01)_SD2_148(And Updates) Последние патчи: 1. Wsg fix 2. Damage Log Treshold 3. Polymorph Regen 4. Weather fix 5. Maim 6. Auction House Bot 7. Dispel fix 8. Clear Instance 9. Chatlog & Lexics Cutter v1.1.9 10. Shadow Word : Death 11. Announce GM at Login 12. Quest Reputation 13. Blacksmithing Specializations 14. Seal of Vengeance 15. TCP no Delay 16. Say & Yell fix 17. Silence fix 18. Spirit of Redemption 19. Soul Link 20. Mana Tide Totem 21. Druid Shapeshift & Vanish Correction 22. Predatory Strikes 23. n0n4m3 patch 24. DelItem 25. Aura Levels 26. Mounted Speed 27. Part of Rogue 28. Spell Interrupt 29. Mana Feed 30. Pet Aura v1 31. Fear 32. Slow Stacking 33. Some Spell Fixes 34. Mutilate 35. Shadowstep 36. Stormstrike fix 37. Creature movement addon 38. Holy Resistance 39. 187 & 188 Auras 40. Blade Flurry & Sweeping Strikes 41. Diminishing fix 42. Correct Display Spell Damage & Healing by client 43. Spell Damage & Healing 44. FFA Arena fix 45. Cancel Aura 46. Vanish 47. Windfury v2.3 48. Quality BasedVariable Loot Drops 49. Split Damage 50. Water Elemental Live Time fix 51. Transports 52. Spell Range Tweak + Autorepeat Spells v2 53. Spell Hit & Crit 54. Shapeshift Health 55. Spell Affect Add to Skip Not Caster Spell 56. Spell Aura Ranged AP from Intellect 57. Hypothermia 58. No Fall Damage + Speedcheat fix v2 59. BattleGround WS Flag Drop 60. Shaman Shields 61. Falling Under Textures 62. Stuns in Flight 63. Arcane Missiles fix 64. Spell Affect Charges 65. Creature Size 66. Molten Fury 67. Spell Aura Mod Power Cost 68. BattleGround 69. Cloak of Shadows 70. Autorepeat Spells v2 71. Spell Range Tweak 72. Shiv 73. Already Known Spells fix 74. Map update crash fix 75. RuMangos 76.Illidan ai,Archimonde ai. 77.Fixed legengary items(их можно одевать только там,где взял) 78.Bg_patch v10 79.Windfury(shaman)v 2.5 80.Fixed IceLance(mage) 81.Fixed chat(только в версии 2.2.3) 82.Haste speed patch 83.Jog patch by speeder Версия клиента 2.2.3